Cable Machine Handles

This project is a “shortie” - During the course of filming the Cable Crossover video, I happened to grab one of the handles from my DIY “Mullet” Dumbbells, and a chain….and Viola! A new video was born. The best part is, I already had all the equipment on hand - so It did not cost me anything extra.

All three types of handles work well. 

However, I will say that for arm curls, I actually prefer the PVC handles over the Metal handles. Due to the smoother surface of PVC - they seem to slightly rotate better on the metal chain than the metal (EMT) handles do.

I also liked using my DIY FAT PVC handles, they also rotate smoothly on the chain, while hitting the muscle a little differently due to the wider grip.

However, Metal 1” EMT Conduit handles just feel better in the hand than the PVC handles for some reason. 

SO - why handle type is my favorite??? It depends upon the exercise. I like all three options.

Also - If you happen to have a set of FAT GRIPZ (or a Knockoff equivalent) - go ahead and throw that on top of the 1” PVC or 1” EMT handles (and then you can skip making the DIY FAT PVC Handles).

Here is your shopping list:


If you Build this project and want to brag about it, please use the #DesignBuildLift hashtag so that I can feature your amazing creation on my social media to help inspire others!


Cable Crossover


“Mullet” Dumbbells