RitFit Multi-Functional Smith Machine


This Multifunctional Smith Machine is a Budget-friendly option that provides a ton of versatility. Just to compare, I recently got a Budget-friendly $400 Shoulder press machine (so about the same price as the RitFit Smith Machine)…but obviously you can do shoulder presses with THIS, as well as a TON MORE exercises. Therefore, I will be selling that shoulder press machine now because I certainly do need it after getting this product.

The RitFit PSR05 Multifunctional Smith Machine provides the following:

  • Smith machine (with safeties)

  • Multi-Grip Pull Up bar

  • Lat Pull Down

  • A Low Row with easily connectable/disconnectable Foot Plates

  • Plate Storage

  • Barbell Storage

  • Landmine Attachment

  • and BAND PEGS

And you get ALL THIS for UNDER $500 (as of March 2024) IF you use my unique Promo code. Remember…DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE. Instead,  Use my link along with the PROMO CODE: RFDESIGN to knock an additional 12% off the price tag. By clicking on that link before you get to the RitFit website, I will be paid a small commission by RitFit – so you win, I win, we all win.

IS A Smith Machine RIGHT FOR YOU:

Should you get a SMITH MACHINE? Here’s my answer: if you ONLY train for Powerlifting…then no. Probably not. However, if you are like me and you primarily train for HYPERTROPHY (with a Body Building focus), then the answer is YES (if you have the space).

EITHER WAY I do not recommend getting a smith machine INSTEAD of a power rack. You should in almost all cases get a Power Rack in your home gym before getting a Smith Machine.

Especially for squatting, flat bench, and deadlifts — the Power Rack is and will always be KING of the Home Gym. So if you ALREADY have a power rack – THEN and only then consider getting a Smith Machine.

I especially love Smith Machines for

  • Incline Bench Press

  • Decline Bench Press

  • Standing Calf raises

  • Seated Shoulder Press

  • Split Squats

  • Shrugs

  • Inverted Rows

  • One Arm Negative Bench Reps

  • Front Squats

  • Belt Squats

  • And Many More!

What’s The Benefit?

A Smith Machine trumps a power rack in one primary way…SET UP TIME.

SET UP TIME IS THE BIGGEST ADVANTAGE TO HAVING A SMITH MACHINE versus having JUST a power rack. Moving around J Hooks, Safeties, and barbells within a Power Rack for each exercise can be time consuming. However, with a Smith Machine – everything is much faster Since everything is already connected. You are only changing heights.

Also – If your Power Rack does not have a multi-grip pullup bar or a Lat pull down, or a low row, or a land mine, this budget-friendly piece of equipment is great option to add to your arsenal.


  • Height: 82”

  • Width: ( length of the Smith Machine’s barbell) 70.8”

  • Depth: The REAR edge of a 45 lbs plate mounted on the trolley to the edge of the FRONT feet: 54”

  • Weight Capacity of Smith Machine’s Barbell : 500 LBS

  • Weight Capacity of Cable 300 LBS 


Since this is a budget-friendly option, is it perfect? Certainly not. In the video. I do offer some critiques (so I won’t repeat them here). However, each critique would increase the price tag – so it would not be fair to expect $5000 features from a $500 product. AS-Is – the value you are getting with this product is exceptional.


RitFit M1 Multi-Functional Rack Version 1.0


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